Film Classification
The Film Classification Committee shall preview and classify any feature film, documentary and
advert that is intended for exhibition.
(2) A right owner, licensee or assignee who desires to exhibit a film shall submit the film to the
Film Classification Committee for examination and classification at least twenty-one days before
the intended exhibition.
(3) The Film Classification Committee shall within fourteen working days after receipt of a film,
preview it and determine whether it is suitable for exhibition.
(4) Where the Film Classification Committee determines that a film is suitable for exhibition, the
Committee shall classify the film as follows:
(a) U â Universal for all categories of persons;
(b) PG â To be watched under Parental Guidance;
(c) 12 â For persons of twelve years and above;
(d) 15 â For persons of fifteen years and above;
(e) 18 â For persons of eighteen years and above; or
(f) NS â Not suitable for Television.
(5) Where the Film Classification Committee determines in a preview that parts of a film are not
suitable for exhibition on television and in movies, it shall recommend that the Board direct the
person who submitted the film to excise those parts of the film it considers unsuitable for
exhibition and re-submit the film for classification.
(6) Where the Film Classification Committee determines that a film as a whole is not suitable for
exhibition, it may recommend that the Board refuse to pass the film for exhibition and classify it
as “NS” meaning “not suitable”.
(7) The Film Classification Committee on the review and classification of a film may recommend
that the Board fix to the film or part of the film, an identification mark according to the decision of
the Film Classification Committee as provided in subsections (4), (5) and (6) and the Board shall
issue a certificate of the classification to the person who submitted the film.
(8) The Board shall inform the person who submitted the film for preview and classification of a
decision through the Film Classification Committee within twenty-one working days after the
submission of the film.
(9) A Free-on-air television station shall not air a film which has not been classified by the Film
Classification Committee.