Universal for all categories of persons
‘U’ content should be set within a positive framework to portray good values, decency, and positive lessons as well as entertainment and should offer reassuring counterbalances to any violence, threat, or horror.
Content with a ‘U’ rating are aimed at very young children although they are marketed as content for adults
If a content receives a U rating, it means that the elements in the content are suitable and do not threaten the socio-cultural and political conscience of the general public.
A content classified as “U” shall, in the judgment of the Board, meet the following criteria:
Theme – The content should not contain violence, threats, abuse, horror, or other themes that may cause fear or disturbance to a young child’s mind.
Language – The film may contain polite dialogue or other word representations but not profane, offensive or sexually-suggestive language or gestures.
Nudity – The film may contain occasional, as well as natural non-sexual nudity.
Sex – The film cannot contain or depict any sexual activity.
Violence – The depiction of any violence must be mild, brief, infrequent, and unlikely to cause undue anxiety or fear to young children.
Horror – The depiction of horror and frightening scenes should be mild, brief, infrequent, and unlikely to cause undue anxiety or fear to young children.
Drugs – There shall be no depiction of, or reference to, prohibited drugs or their use.
Shall not contain inappropriate cultural or immoral tendencies that contradict national aspirations, and alien cultural practices that are not acceptable within our society