Presidential Film Pitch Series is a film activation program in Ghana aimed at creating the platform for Ghanaian filmmakers with projects within the film ecosystem to engage investors, broadcasters, distributors, sponsors, and platforms around the world for potential opportunities.
100 Projects in the form of documentaries, feature films, short films, series, games, film infrastructure were received by the National Film Authority (NFA) in 2020 from Ghanaian Film Entrepreneurs, out of which twenty-five (25) have been shortlisted.
The goal is for all shortlisted projects to close deals that will bring these projects to fruition.
The National Film Authority invites investors, broadcasters, and distributors to take advantage of these opportunities in the Film Marketplace.
Kindly fill the form below to participate virtually in the final pitching sessions of the Presidential Film Pitch Series scheduled to happen on Thursday 29th and Friday 30th April 2021, 11am-3pm.
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